Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (2024)

What Makes A Healthy Office Snack?

We can claim just about anything is a healthy office snack if we try hard enough.

This is where that meme pops up that claims chocolate is the same as a salad because it comes from cocoa… which comes from a tree. 🤷

But that doesn’t necessarily make it healthy (dark chocolate, on the other hand, is a different story).

What does make food healthy is the nutrients you’ll find within, like fiber, proteins, and healthy fats.

But what do these food nutrients do, what are their functions? Read on to learn more about the most common nutrients you’ll find in your snacks.

Not sure if you’ll be able to get through all 50 of our healthy snacks in one sitting?

Download the PDF version of this guide so you can use it as a reference in the future!


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Fiber is one in a long list of good things that keep our body alive and functioning.

It can be found in a multitude of food items such as vegetables, fruits, and grains.

What you probably didn’t know is that fiber and probiotics go hand in hand. What fiber does is it feeds the good bacteria in your gut so your immune system and your digestive health are always kept in check.


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Here’s one word you might associate with antioxidants: free radicals.

Free radicals are the bad guys that ruin everything. Essentially they wreak havoc on our healthy cells, resulting in cardiovascular disease, aging, and autoimmune disorders.

Now here’s the bad news: free radicals are a part of our natural process. They’re a byproduct of normal metabolic processes and can be found in the environment in the form of radiation and drugs.

Here’s the good news though. Antioxidants serve as a way to cushion the damage caused by free radicals and combat their detrimental effects.


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You may be wondering why proteins are important.

For one, protein allows our body to grow and repair muscle tissue. Without it, our muscles would not have the structure that they do.

Speaking of structure, proteins are also responsible for giving the rest of our body structure. Keratin and collagen, for example, are key for healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Proteins are awesome on so many levels, from regulating our body’s pH to strengthening our immune system and bone health. So next time you’re looking for a healthy snack, look for something loaded with protein.

Vitamins A-Z

OK, so there may not be such a thing as vitamin Z (yet).

BUT, you can bet your bottom dollar that you’re going to consume plenty of vitamins in a single day. It would be difficult not to come across at least one of these vitamins.

That is of course if you’re consuming a healthy diet.

You’ll find that the majority of vitamin functions include:

  • Energy metabolism
  • Bone health
  • Brain function
  • Red cell production
  • Teeth, bone, and skin health
  • Tissue repair and
  • healthy blood coagulation

For a full list of vitamins and their complete roles, here is a complete overview of vitamins and their role in the body.

Healthy Fats

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Most of you know by now that there are healthy fats, and there are unhealthy fats.

Unsaturated fats and omega-3’s are what we consider healthy fats while unhealthy fats consist of saturated and artificial trans fats.

Healthy fat consumption is crucial to a healthy diet because it gives us the energy to get through our day.

Not only that but healthy fats protect our heart and brain, and help us absorb those essential vitamins that we mentioned earlier.

Above all, they help to prevent unhealthy levels of toxic LDL cholesterol, they lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and they lower blood pressure.

50 Healthy Snack Ideas for Work

Now that you know some of the most common nutrients found in your food, let’s get to talking about what foods are right for you.

Maybe you’re the type of person who needs a little more energy throughout the day or perhaps you’re a little more concerned about your heart health.

Sit tight because there are 50 snack ideas that you can take with you to and from the workplace.

1. Jerky

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Despite the unsaturated fats and sodium levels, jerky provides you with key nutrients and minerals.

Iron and zinc help with immune system function and the protein gives your muscles the added boost as well.

What you want to look out for is low sodium, low saturated jerky. This is an ideal snack for work as opposed to regular jerky.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack for work
  • no preparation needed
  • low sodium and low saturated fat beef jerky options are available on the market

2. Avocados

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Monounsaturated fatty acids.

You’ll also find that avocados contain a substantial amount of magnesium, phosphorous, fiber, and several vitamins.

All of which can reduce risks to the heart, maintain healthy vision, and even reduce the risk of depression.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy on-the-go snack for work
  • able to pair with other snack items
  • fiber reduces constipation and improves digestion
  • folate is healthy for maintaining a healthy pregnancy as well as preventing colon, pancreatic and cervical cancer

3. Egg Muffin with Kale, Ham, and Cauliflower Rice

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Alright, if you want a healthy snack for work, this is it.

The eggs and ham serve up loads of protein while kale brings with it potassium, calcium, and vitamin K.

Fiber and antioxidants protect against diabetes while vitamin k can assist with calcium absorption.

You can find the recipe here.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • gluten-free
  • dairy free
  • grain free
  • easy to make
  • minimal ingredients required

4. Fresh Fruit

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We all know fruit is good for you. The reason why they make the perfect snack is that fruit is the one food item we know for certain will not contain any added ingredients.

From vitamins to sugar and everything in between, here is a full list of every fruit you can think of and their nutritional value.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • gluten-free
  • diet friendly
  • a significant source of nutrients
  • easy and healthy idea to pair with other snacks

5. Yogurt and Fruit

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Speaking of fruit, you can pair almost any fruit with your favorite yogurt and you’ve got an easy and healthy office snack.

Yogurt contains calcium for bone and teeth health as well as vitamin B which can protect against heart disease.

Pair that with the vitamins found in fruit and you’ve got a nutritious jackpot on your hands.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to prepare
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack for work
  • combined protein and calcium in yogurt can promote weight management by suppressing appetite

6. Veggies and Dip

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There’s a reason why parents tell their kids to finish their vegetables before rushing from the table.

There are plenty of health benefits to vegetables. Depending on the vegetable, you’ll find plenty of fiber, folate, vitamins, and minerals among other nutrients.

All which can improve your overall health while decreasing the risk of harmful diseases.

Here is a list of the top 15 healthiest vegetables you can eat.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack for work
  • easy to prepare

7. Salads

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You can get really creative with salads. It’s an easy way to eat a significant amount of fruits and vegetables in one sitting while being simple enough to take to work.

They provide you with a good source of fiber, vitamin C and E.

Depending on what you like on your salad, you can load up on additional nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Other Reason Why We Like It

  • easy to customize
  • gluten-free and dairy-free options
  • easy to make

8. Granola Bars

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Granola bars are the epitome of on-the-go snacking.

Keep them at your desk, stock the office kitchen with them, or whip one out when you’re feeling hungry and you won’t have to feel bad about it.

Some will give you primarily protein while others are more full of fiber and healthy fats. Suffice to say there is a granola bar out there just about anyone.

Here is a list of 10 healthy granola bars to keep your hunger at bay.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • gluten-free and dairy-free options
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack for work
  • large variety in terms of veggies, fruits, and nuts

9. Nuts

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Unless you have a nut allergy, we suggest going all in and snacking on a wide variety to get all the benefits. You can consider nuts as a high quality healthy office snack and for several reasons.

They contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which, as we mentioned earlier, help in regulating your cholesterol levels.

Walnuts, for example, contain omega-3 fatty acids and are pretty compacted with protein. Other nuts will tend to have a generous amount of antioxidants, fiber and vitamin E.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • one serving of nuts can give you half of the recommended percentage of selenium which can protect the thyroid against oxidative damage.
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack for work
  • easy to pair with other snacks
  • healthy low-carb option for weight loss diets when consumed in moderation

10. Unflavored Popcorn

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Without the usual butter and salty concoctions found in movie theatre popcorn, unflavored popcorn can actually be a pretty healthy office snack idea.

Since popcorn falls in the whole grain category, it contains a lot of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. All good stuff for healthy digestion, proper immune response, and vision.

Not to mention it’s low in sugar and fat.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • ideal low-carb low-sugar snack for weight loss diets and diabetics
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack for work
  • easy to make

11. Apples and Peanut Butter

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Apples and peanut butter are a snack for all ages. Might as well get your protein and carbs all in one convenient package.

Apples consist of mainly fiber and water which helps to keep you filled and prevents you from over-snacking.

They’ve been linked to lowering the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even cell death caused by oxidation.

Add to that the protein, iron and healthy fats found in peanut butter and you’ve got a healthy combo any doctor will approve of.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • apples are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack for work
  • this combo is high in magnesium, vitamin E, and vitamin B-3

12. Celery and Peanut Butter

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We can already label peanut butter as miracle butter, but what does celery bring to the table?

Celery has many benefits thanks to its potassium, vitamin B-6, folate, fiber, and vitamin A.

Celery can prevent liver disease, decrease high blood pressure, and fight infection among other touted health benefits.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • can prevent ulcers
  • can cure bloating
  • great for weight loss

13. Hummus and Carrots

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Hummus on its own is pretty good for you, and the same can be said about carrots. But together they make a pretty healthy power combo that your heart will thank you for.

Hummus, in case you didn’t know, is made with chickpeas which contain lots of healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

Carrots contain vitamin A which can help prevent vision loss as well as antioxidants.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • carrots have been linked with killing off leukemia cells and preventing their progress.
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack
  • gluten-free hummus options are available

14. Tuna and Crackers

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Tuna is in transportable packets for a reason. It’s a popular lunchtime snack that is packed with everything you need for a quick pick me up.

The good thing about tuna is that it’s low in fat, high in protein, and rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

And crackers are more than a food accessory. Depending on your choice of cracker, often times they will provide you a good source of energizing carbohydrates.

You’ll be keeping your brain health in check while promoting healthy muscle tissue.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • tuna has vitamin B-12 which is also good for brain health and red blood formation
  • niacin found in tune promotes healthy skin and nerves
  • easy on-the-go snack for work

15. Oatmeal

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Oatmeal is a traditional snack to enjoy at work, at home, and whenever it pleases you.

For one thing, one serving of oatmeal (about a half-cup of dried oats) will get you over 70% of a day’s worth of iron, 20% vitamin A, and 35% vitamin B-6 alongside carbohydrates and fiber.

As long as you steer clear of the overly sugared and flavored packets, oatmeal is a versatile food option and definitely a healthy office snack.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • oatmeal contains a soluble type of fiber which can increase the feeling of fullness and increase digestive health
  • great for weight loss diets
  • great foundation for nutritional add-on ingredients
  • significant source of nutrients

16. Dried Fruit

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When you find that you just need a sweet tooth fix, try eating dried fruit for a change.

Now we’re not talking about the sweetened or chili powdered dried fruits. We’re talking about the good old fashioned dried fruit that is just that: dried fruit.

In moderation, dried fruit is a great way to get your daily dose of fiber and polyphenol antioxidants. The latter can improve blood flow and digestive health.

Grapes, for example, can assist in blood sugar regulation, and lower blood pressure.

Prunes act as natural laxatives while blueberries will give you a hefty dose of antioxidants.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • you can get 3 times as many nutrients with a lesser density
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack
  • they make a great yogurt or oatmeal topping

17. Dark Chocolate

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Thank divinity that chocolate is not completely ruled out in a healthy diet.

Dark chocolate that is.

Most of you already know that dark chocolate is rich in free-radical fighting antioxidants.

But did you know that the flavanols in dark chocolate can help improve blood flow, protect skin against sun damage, and improve brain function?

Talk about a healthy office snack! Although as with all snack items, it’s best consumed in moderation.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • can pair well with other snack items
  • can decrease bad cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease
  • easy on-the-go snack for work
  • dark chocolate is a good source of magnesium and iron

18. Sweet Potato Banana Bites

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If you have a little spare time on your hands and feel creative enough in the kitchen, these banana bites are just the thing to try if you’re looking for a snack alternative that you can take to work.

There are four main ingredients in this recipe: sweet potatoes, bananas, nut butter, and eggs.

The sweet potatoes and bananas alone will get you a hefty dose of potassium, fiber, and vitamin A while eggs will give you a good amount of protein.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to customize
  • gluten-free
  • easy to make

19. Trail Mix

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Combine dried fruit and nuts and you have the best of both worlds.

The handful of nuts and seeds that you usually find in trail mix will provide with a good amount antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids.

This is a perfect option if you need to maintain your energy for long periods.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy on-the-go snack for work
  • combined fiber from fruit and nuts will help to satisfy hunger

20. Fruit & Veggie Chips

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It’s like eating regular chips…but better.

Fruit and veggie chips make a healthy snack item for work mainly because they’re a better alternative than the typical main brand potato chips.

When fruits or veggies are crisped into chip form, it may lose a portion of its nutritional value (like vitamin C), however it will still retain some of its vitamins and minerals.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • they’re a healthy alternative to potato chips
  • gluten-free
  • easy to make at home

21. Tuna Avocado Egg Sandwich

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Consider this work lunch idea a triple threat. It’s filling, energizing, and all around a great alternative to the typical sandwich.

Combining avocados with eggs and tuna will get you a boatload of benefits. Mainly protein, carbohydrates, and fiber to name a few.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to make
  • minimal ingredients required
  • able to prepare in advance
  • significant source of nutrients

22. Rice Cakes

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If you’re looking for a diet neutral food, rice cakes are it.

They are low in sugar, low in carbs, and low in saturated fats. When paired with something nutrient rich like nut butter they can actually be beneficial to your diet.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • gluten-free
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack
  • can pair well with other snack items
  • can fulfill the need for snack cravings without the density of unhealthy snack items
  • rice cakes make a great healthy snack alternative for desk snacking as opposed to other unhealthy options

23. Hard Boiled Eggs

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By themselves or as an ingredient, eggs make the perfect nutrient-rich healthy snack for your diet and for the office.

You’ll find plenty of things going on in a simple egg. There’s a boatload of protein (mostly found in the egg white), iron, copper, zinc, B vitamins, and selenium.

Additionally, the egg yolk can contain vitamins A, E, K, and D.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • minimal effort required to boil an egg
  • eating one egg a day can improve heart health
  • vitamin D found in eggs can prevent osteoporosis
  • significant source of nutrients

24. Chocolate Covered Bananas

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Our main source of nutrients here is the banana. Add a bit of dark chocolate and now you have a delicious snack idea that can be good for you also.

Bananas are rich in potassium and fiber. They’ve also been linked with decreasing the risk of asthma, blood pressure, and diabetes.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance
  • potassium in bananas can help reduce kidney stones

25. Cookie Dough Peanut Butter Bites

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If you’re still on the hunt for a healthy office snack alternative to what you’ve been eating then look no further.

Enjoy this gluten-free and vegan-friendly recipe for a delicious, guilt-free, and healthy snack idea that you can share with the office.

The chickpeas and peanut butter are what make this snack idea a healthy one.

Protein, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, niacin, and vitamin B-6 can all be found in peanut butter. Furthermore, you can find a good amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber in chickpeas.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • gluten-free
  • vegan-friendly
  • peanut butter and chickpeas together can promote weight management and heart health

26. Toast and Cottage Cheese

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Cottage cheese and toast can be a healthy snack to eat at work for several reasons.

One reason why cottage cheese on toast makes for a healthy snack is that it can satisfy your hunger, thanks to the high level of protein.

Another reason why this combo makes for a healthy office snack idea is that the calcium found in dairy products is linked with reducing insulin resistance.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • cottage cheese makes for a healthy snack to promote weight loss
  • easy to make

27. Pita Chips and Guacamole

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Pita chips make a healthy alternative that you can enjoy at work, with guacamole adding some much-needed flavor to the mix.

Similar to rice cakes, the fact that pita chips are a healthier alternative to potato chips dubs them as a healthy snack alone.

They’re made with less saturated fats, less sodium, and even come in whole-grain options. Pair them with the nutrients found in avocados and you have a snack idea fit for the workplace.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • pita chips are versatile enough to eat with hummus or another dip of choice
  • low-calorie options available
  • easy on-the-go snack for work

28. Tuna, Kale, and Egg Salad

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Salads make a great go-to snack for work that you can prepare in advance.

Now, let’s talk about an ingredient that hasn’t had much spotlight yet: kale.

Kale is abundant in fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin K, iron, and potassium.

Like with most vegetables, a significant intake on a regular basis can promote a healthy heart, prevent diabetes, and prevent the risk of bone fracture.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • nutrients found in kale can also promote healthy digestion
  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance
  • significant source of nutrients

29. Banana and Peanut Butter Sandwich

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Trade in that processed jam with bananas and you can have a healthier peanut butter sandwich.

Combine the carbohydrates, protein, and fats in peanut butter with the potassium and fiber found in bananas and there you have a healthy office snack. It’s filling, nutritious, and can help maintain your weight.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • bananas contain an amino acid that helps to preserve memory and boost mood
  • easy to make

30. Edamame

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Edamame is no longer solely for sushi restaurants. They serve as a quick, easy, and healthy snack alternative for any workplace.

One serving of edamame contains a staggering 121% of adults’ recommended amount of folate. Considering how much folate is in a single serving of edamame, it can help to reduce symptoms of depression.

It also offers a complete source of potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, and protein. All of which can help promote fertility and healthy pregnancy as well as reduce the risk of heart disease.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • iron in edamame can increase energy levels
  • since edamame is a soy product, it’s linked with reducing the risk of age-related brain disorders.

31. Oatmeal Muffins

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If you’re looking for fun, alternative ways to use oatmeal then these muffins are just the thing.

With this recipe, you’ll get a proper amount of calcium, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, and magnesium.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • gluten-free
  • dairy free
  • easy to make snack

32. Crackers and Cheese

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The best thing about cheeses is that there is a broad range of health benefits that make them an ideal snack for work and for life.

The average serving of cheese is abundant in calcium which promotes bone health and vitamin B-12 which aids in red blood cell production.

Cheese also contains protein and healthy fats.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • cheese can promote thyroid and immune system health and can help build muscle
  • easy to prepare

33. Nut Butter

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Nut butter is a healthy snack alternative to peanut butter for those who are allergic or are simply looking to try something new.

It’s loaded with fiber, protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • they’re a good source of energy due to its high protein and fiber content
  • able to pair with most snack choices
  • easy on-the-go snack for work

34. Greek Yogurt

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Greek yogurt differs from regular yogurt in the sense that the whey is removed from the final product.

It’s rich in calcium, protein, probiotics, and vitamin B-12 which help to reduce appetite, promote gut health, and boost metabolism.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • probiotics in Greek yogurt can improve mental health
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack
  • can pair well with other snacks

35. Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

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Here’s another oatmeal recipe for you all.

The combined iron and fiber found in raisins and oatmeal will keep you feeling full and energized throughout your workday.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to make
  • minimal ingredients required
  • gluten-free

36. String Cheese

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As it turns out, string cheese can make for a healthy snack idea during your workday.

Combine it with fruit, nuts, yogurt, or a salad for a nutritious snack or lunch.

One stick of string cheese is normally around or below 100 calories while still providing you with calcium, protein, and energizing carbohydrates.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy on-the-go snack for work
  • able to pair with other snacks

37. Cauliflower Tater Tots

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These cauliflower tater tots are the next best thing to actual tater tots. They put a whole new twist on ways to eat your vegetables.

One serving of these tots will get you almost equal amounts of carbohydrates and protein. Not to mention they’ll get you a sufficient amount of potassium, vitamin C, and calcium.

Other Reasons Why We Like Them

  • gluten-free
  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance

38. Dry Cereal

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There are lots of cereals out there that are low in calories, minimally sweetened, and packed with whole grains, fruits, nuts, and fiber.

What better way to stave off the hunger rush?

Here’s a list of 20 kinds of cereal that will get you through your lunch break.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy on-the-go snack for work
  • large varieties available

39. Zucchini Pizza Bites

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They’re not exactly the same as a pizza, and they’re much more than a vegetable.

These bites are the perfect fix for your pizza craving and way better for your diet too.

Per the recipe, one serving will get you less than 100 calories, carbohydrates, and fiber, and protein.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance

40. Pineapple Coconut Energy Balls

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Just like they sound, these bite-size snacks are packed with all the energy and sustenance one needs for work.

They’re low in calories while the pineapple and coconut give you a sufficient amount of potassium to keep you going.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance
  • gluten-free
  • dairy free
  • nut free
  • vegan-friendly

41. Caprese Skewers

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These skewers combine tomatoes, basil, mozzarella, olive oil, and balsamic for a bite-size healthy snack.

Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K, and folate. Furthermore, mozzarella is rich in calcium, phosphorous, and protein.

Put them together with a little added seasoning and this combo will have you snacking on one skewer after another.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance

42. Turkey Roll-Ups

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This recipe calls for avocados, hard-boiled eggs, mustard, leafy greens and, of course, turkey slices.

Think of it like making a turkey taco, except with more added nutrients, healthy fats, and protein.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance
  • significant source of nutrients

43. Homemade KIND Bars

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If you’re not happy with the granola bars you see in stores, why not go ahead and make your own?

These homemade KIND bars make for a healthy snack that you can take with you to work or just about anywhere you go.

These guys are packing enough carbohydrates, protein, and fiber to keep you energized.

Here’s the recipe!

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • simple to customize
  • easy to make

44. Veggie Toast

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Kickstart your day with a nutrient-rich snack idea worthy of calling healthy.

This veggie toast is super easy to customize and contains primarily tomatoes, avocado, shredded carrots, kale and sprouts all on a toasted baguette.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • gluten-free options available
  • vegan options available
  • easy to make
  • significant source of nutrients

45. Quinoa

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Quinoa is one of those foods that should be a staple in everybody’s diet.

It’s much denser in nutrients than most other grains, as well as being high in fiber, protein, iron, and magnesium.

Here are 10 recipes using quinoa that you may like to try at home.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • gluten-free
  • a significant source of nutrients
  • contains plant compounds that have antiviral and anti-depressant effects

46. Roasted Chickpeas

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Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, have plenty to boast about.

They’re an ideal source of folate, fiber, manganese, and protein.

Mix them in with a little seasoning and you have the perfect finger food for when you’re working at your office desk.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • ideal for suppressing hunger
  • inexpensive
  • can promote healthy blood sugar levels and bone health

47. Seaweed Chips

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Seaweed Chips are super addicting and make a healthy snack idea for work.

They’re low in calories and contains riboflavin, thiamin, and iron. Not to mention they contain omega-3 fats and B-12 vitamins.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • seaweed promotes healthy thyroid function
  • easy on-the-go healthy office snack

48. Cucumber Tuna Bites

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These cucumber tuna bites are just as refreshing as they are flavorful.

Cucumbers are packed with vitamin K which helps in bone metabolism and blood clotting. Since they’re made up of mostly water, they’re low in calories and can keep you well hydrated.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance

49. Peanut Butter Oat Squares

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (53)

This easy recipe calls for only 3 ingredients: peanut butter, oats, and honey.

These squares make a healthy snack full of protein, fiber, and antioxidants.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • honey can help lower blood triglycerides that pose a risk for heart disease
  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance

50. Cucumber Sandwiches

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (54)

Stay hydrated and refreshed with cucumber sandwiches.

All it has is a slice of cheese with your meat of choice between two cucumber slices.

With the protein and calcium that these little sandwiches are packing, they’ll make a healthy snack idea for work.

Other Reasons Why We Like It

  • easy to make
  • able to prepare in advance
  • low-calorie count makes it ideal for weight management

Last Note On Healthy Office Snacks

Eating healthy is not as difficult or dull as you may think it to be. If you still can’t manage to avoid the temptations of unhealthy snacks, here’s how to burn off those calories.

Look online and you’ll end up with hundreds of the best healthy snack ideas that are not only nutrient-rich but fun and tasty as well.

Whether you’re looking for gluten-free snack ideas or healthy snacks for work, the act of snacking is just as healthy as the ingredients that go into said snacks.

Snacks keep us fueled, they keep us energized, and they keep our bodies running. So wouldn’t it make sense to do our bodies a favor and fuel it with healthy snacks that are especially nutritious?

Ultimately, the choice is yours, so make it a wise one.

Make sure to share this article with anyone you think could use it!

When you find yourself in need of wine, coffee, kombucha, tea, beer, or snacks for your office or event,shoot us a message!

This article was brought to you byOffice Libations, your San Francisco Bay Areaoffice coffee,keg delivery, andsnack service. Delivering top local brands and kegs of cold brew coffee, kombucha, beer, and wine.

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Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (56)Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (57)Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (58)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (59)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (60)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (61)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (62)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (63)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (64)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (65)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (66)

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Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (69)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (70)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (71)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (72)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (73)

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Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (91)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (92)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (93)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (94)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (95)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (96)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (97)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (98)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (99)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (100)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (101)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (102)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (103)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (104)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (105)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (106)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (107)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (108)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (109)Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (110)Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (111)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (112)Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (113)

Healthy Office Snacks: The Ultimate Guide - Office Libations (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.