1. MAP31: The Descent II (Hell Revealed II) - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
MAP31: The Descent II is the secret map of Hell Revealed II. It was designed by Mattias Berggren and uses the music track "Damned Spirits," by Petter Mårtensen ...
MAP31: The Descent II is the secret map of Hell Revealed II. It was designed by Mattias Berggren and uses the music track "Damned Spirits," by Petter Mårtensen (Thyrbse).
2. MAP15: The Path II (Hell Revealed II) - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
MAP15: The Path II is the fifteenth map of Hell Revealed II. It was designed by Jonas Feragen and uses the music track by The Temple of Judgment.
MAP15: The Path II is the fifteenth map of Hell Revealed II. It was designed by Jonas Feragen and uses the music track by "The Temple of Judgment," by Petter Mårtensen (Thyrbse). The level contains a secret exit leading to MAP31: The Descent II.
3. Hell Revealed II - hr - Doomworld
Released in 2003, Hell Revealed 2 is a spiritual sequel to everyone's favorite excessive megawad from 1997, Hell Revealed.
The long-awaited sequel to Yonatan Donner & Haggay Nivs Hell Revealed.
4. The DWmegawad Club plays: Hell Revealed 2 - WAD Discussion
1 apr 2020 · A narrow and bulky map because of its very corridor-like layout. The very square architecture doesn't make this map visually very interesting ...
What is the DWmegawad Club? This is a place where we settle down, have a cup of tea (or drink of your choice) and take a month to play through a megawad on our own, together! Any keen observations, criticisms, or frustrated ranting about it goes here in the discussion. As long as you want to say ...
5. WAD Reviews: Hell Revealed II (HR2FINAL.WAD) - ONEMANDOOM
14 jun 2015 · It takes you through a pretty good variety of locales, from spanking-silver techbases to cryptic cities to more exotic locales like volcanoes ...
See AlsoKohls Schedule LoginDoom PWAD reviews past and present with map-by-map reviews for larger works and other bits of Doom history
6. Doom Underground — Review of Hell Revealed II (hr2final)
The architecture and ambience are good, with lots of detailing, solid structures, connections/windows between areas, and good texturing. The gameplay is solid, ...
Another big Doom project comes to completion — at long last. Surely it has been over five years since I saw the Hell Revealed 2 website go up?
7. Hell Revealed II | Doom Wiki - Fandom
Hell Revealed II (HR2) is a 32-level megawad for Doom II and the sequel to the legendary Hell Revealed. The WAD was authored by a team of 14 members led by ...
Hell Revealed II (HR2) is a 32-level megawad for Doom II and the sequel to the legendary Hell Revealed. The WAD was authored by a team of 14 members led by Jonas Feragen. It was released in December of 2003. Many have admired this megawad for being quite possibly one of the most difficult wads to date. Hell Revealed II had a long gestation, with development beginning in 1998. On February 14th 2000 a "beta" version of the megawad was released with 15 levels, and two secret levels. A number of dem
8. Hell Revealed (Video Game) - TV Tropes
Hell Revealed is a series of two free-to-download 32-level replacement for Doom II, the original designed by speedrunner Yonatan Donner and his friend …
Hell Revealed is a series of two free-to-download 32-level replacement for Doom II, the original designed by speedrunner Yonatan Donner and his friend Haggay Niv released on May 2, 1997. It is a highly influential level pack in the Doom community …
9. games/doom-hr2: Hell Revealed II is a megawad, a 32-level replacement ...
Hell Revealed II is a megawad, a 32-level replacement for DooM II.
10. WAD Reviews: Hell Revealed (HR.WAD) - ONEMANDOOM
17 okt 2011 · You'll need at least two to leave, including the red one. Whichever building you leave for last will serve purely as bragging rights. Encounters ...
Doom PWAD reviews past and present with map-by-map reviews for larger works and other bits of Doom history